Start Your change now. Fill in a survey to get YOUR OWN Personalised results.
Are You?
How old are You?
Under 18
18 - 24
25 -34
45 - 54
Over 54
Do You experience any of the following at any time during the month?
Moodiness or depression
Low sex drive
Hair loss
Headaches or migraines
Energy crashes throughout the day
None of the above
Are you trying to lose weight, do you have trouble losing it?
Yes, no matter what I do
No, I can lose weight pretty easily
I am not trying to lose weight
When you wake up in the morning how is your energy level?
I feel rested and ready to go
I feel somewhat rested
I get out of bed ok but feel sluggish
I feel tired all the time
Do you experience acne?
Yes, usually when I am getting my period
Very unusual, I normally don’t get acne
I get acne all the time
Have you been diagnosed any of the following?
Uterine fibroids
Ovarian cysts
Estrogen dominance
Low progesterone
Short luteal phase
Do you currently struggle with physical or emotional PMS symptoms? ( low mood, anxiety, anger, bloating, weight gain, acne, crazy cravings, breast tenderness)
Which of these best describes your menstrual cycle currently?
Period comes every 25-35 days
Period comes every 24 days or less
Period comes every 36 days or more
My period irregular
I currently don’t get my period
How many days does your period last ( not including spotting)?
I usually just spot and I don’t have a flow
2 days or less
3-7 days
8 days or more
Type in your email to get your results
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